Ocmis Travelers

Our world-class solutions allow you to irrigate where and when you need it.

OCMIS – Why buy Ocmis?
We realize you have a choice when it comes to traveler manufacturers and which brand to buy. We have chosen to represent OCMIS for several reasons that we know are important to you:

  • The most efficient turbine on the market– requiring less water and pressure to run gearbox, allowing more water and pressure to flow through to the gun.
  • No back-stop (no anti-reverse pawl) – middle position of gear lever is for transport (locks down drum). No backlash when changing speeds.
  • Impossible to break gearbox by winding up hose with PTO driveline – gear shift must be in correct position otherwise reel will not turn.
  • You can always see what speed you are in:
    1. Upper lever – Variable speeds: 1-2-3-4
    2. Lower lever – Left position: hose/cart pull-out (& PTO wind-up)
    3. Center position: drum lock down (for transport)
    4. Right position: working position
  • If a rock locks up the impeller you can reverse the impeller (turning the outlet shaft next to turbine), release the rock without having to open up the turbine.
  • Amadas travelers also available, call for more information